Assisted Living Advice
Caregivers and Seniors Get Tech Savvy
With the constant innovation of technology, it seems as though the next new app or gadget is released on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Unsurprisingly, the trend hasn’t gone unnoticed in the assisted living category. As seniors become more savvy, and millennials enter the workforce as caregivers, technology is finding its way into the world of nursing homes, retirement communities, and memory care facilities in more ways than one. Here are some examples.
- Automatic Pill Reminders: While pill boxes and medicine journals have traditionally been a good way to stay top of taking meds throughout the week, studies show that because the elderly are more likely to be prescribed long-term and multiple prescriptions, they are also at a higher risk of improperly using medications. Missed medications, double doses, and forgetting to fill prescriptions are all issues that seniors can struggle with. Pillsy, a smart medication bottle cap that connects to an app on your mobile device, reminds you when it’s time to take your pills and refill a prescription. The app has a sharing feature so your family can see that you’ve taken your medication or refilled your prescription. The device also notifies you if you’ve already taken your pill so you avoid double doses. This is just one example of how companies are coming out with innovative, simple ways to remind you to take your pills.
- Home Security Systems: While home security systems are nothing new, versions of the technology are now being catered toward seniors by including tools such as video surveillance, noise detection in the event of falls, medical alert systems that are worn around the neck, and fire and carbon monoxide features. These all-in-one systems can be controlled from a mobile device or tablet by multiple users so if a caregiver or loved one isn’t present, they are able to check in on their loved one or respond if there is an emergency. Nest is a popular security system among caregivers and families of loved ones because one of its main features is an alert that sounds when something happens like a boom or a crash. The app notifies you and immediately shows the footage of what is happening in the household. This is particularly helpful for elderly who live alone and are prone to falls. The Nest also allows two way communication so you are able to talk to your loved one if they need something.
- Video games: Believe it or not, video games are an incredibly popular trend among seniors in nursing homes and assisted living communities. Nintendo Wii sports games like tennis, bowling, and baseball are not only fun and entertaining, but they provide a chance for seniors to move around and get exercise, both physically and mentally. Some communities are even known to form competitive Wii leagues with weekly games and tournaments. Other apps like scrabble, tetris, and charades also encourage seniors to exercise different parts of their brain like memory, fact recall, and spatial recognition.
Emerging technology and apps are changing the game for seniors and caregivers by increasing safety, exercise, and entertainment. As baby boomers begin to retire and millennials continue to enter the workforce as caregivers, it’s almost certain that we will continue to see growth in technological innovation that is targeted toward the senior population.
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