Assisted Living In The News
Summary of THHS LTCR Annual Report – March 2023
Each year, the Texas Health and Human Services (THHS) releases an annual report of their findings and they include statistics related to Long-Term Care Regulation (LTCR). The LTCR annual report for Texas is a document that provides information on the status of long-term care services and programs within that state. The report may include data on nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home and community-based services.
Why Create the Report and What Does the Texas LTCR Report On?
The report includes information on the number of people receiving long term care services, the types of services provided, the quality of care provided, and the cost of care. It will also provide information on Texas’ efforts to improve long term care services and programs, such as initiatives to improve quality of care or to expand access to services.
The purpose of a long-term care annual report is to provide policymakers, stakeholders, and the public with information on the state of long-term care in the state, and to identify areas where improvements can be made.
What Trends Were Found in the 2023 Texas LTCR Report?
The comparison dates of this report were unique as they looked at the fiscal year of 2022 but with the restrictions around Covid in 2020, the trends made it difficult to compare. You will see most of the statistical comparisons go back to 2018 for trending purposes.
- Nursing Facilities (NFs) saw registered complaints increase 11.2% in 2022 compared to 2021 (11,157 to 12,411).
- Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) saw registered complaints and incidents increase by 6.7% from 2021 to 2022 (3,062 to 3,267).
- Comparing 2018 to 2022, ALFs were the fastest growing segment of elderly care in Texas by seeing a 2.4% increase in the number of ALF providers. The number of available beds in ALFs also increased by 9.8%
- The number of Nursing Facilities in Texas saw a 3.6% decrease from 2018 to 2022.
- The occupancy rate increased from 65.6% in 2018 to 67.9% in 2022.
- The number of Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) in Texas saw a 2.6% decrease from 2018 to 2022.
- The number of Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) facilities in Texas saw a decrease of 13.1% from 2018 to 2022.
- Nursing facilities saw the highest total of civil money penalties at $952,545.
- Day Activity and Health Services saw the lowest total civil money penalties at $140,125.
- ALFs received the highest number of administrative penalties at 111.
You can draw some of your own conclusions from the data that was pulled for 2022 and also how it has compared to previous years. If you are thinking that your loved one could be entering a nursing facility soon, it is pertinent to note that occupancy increased while the number of nursing facilities decreased in 2022. The trend might be telling you as a caregiver to find a potential NF and get on a wait list if their occupancy level is high.
The goal of this report is to continue prioritizing the enhancement of quality around senior care across the state of Texas. As a caregiver, it is important to note the changes and trends we see occurring in our state. Reviewing the report can also keep you informed around the local initiatives being put into place to try and continue to improve and grow care for Texas’ growing elderly population.
If you have any questions around these trends and how it may relate to you or your aging loved one, contact Senior Living Specialists today.
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